Start Your Own Agency?
Working in advertising for so many years, a question I would get often was, “When are you going to start your own agency?” That is the next step, right?
Starting an ad agency was never something I wanted to do.
I knew all too well the grind of getting new business, the fakeness of sales guys just trying to get the next big payday, and I didn’t want to be that. I just liked to create awesome stuff with great people.
If I was asked however, what type of business I would want to start, I would say it would be a business that created original content. Films, shows, books, music, whatever, I just loved to tell stories.
After reflecting on this, I questioned why I had been pouring so much of myself into a profession that I would not do as my own business. Now that I had an opportunity to start a company however, I had a chance to build it just how I wanted.
Building A Company I Wanted
Even though the initial business that would come in would be advertising and video production focused, I promised myself that this would not be just another agency, but rather a creative workshop. Even if the bread and butter would start through the brand side, we would expand to do a variety of original content.
That is why I named the company, ‘Serendipity Works,’ not ‘Serendipity Agency’ or ‘Serendipity Productions,’ because my vision for the company is to not only help brands uncover and tell their stories, but to tell others as well.
Being a storyteller has served me well in my career, because what is advertising if not telling visual stories across a variety of mediums. It is a form of creative that is challenging because it is not creative for creative sake, but rather to solve a communication problem, and I have become really good at it.
When it comes to developing concepts, I can just see them in my head. When I brainstorm with my creative team, they are shocked at how I can come up with so many. Honestly, me too, and I can’t really explain it. Even if some ideas aren’t quite there, I have an ability to take a nugget of an idea and build it out to something great.
Like many people, I have wondered about what my calling is in life, what my purpose is here while I’m alive. As I got older, I sometimes felt discouraged as if I may never find out, but as this experiment continues, I feel I now know.
I am here to tell stories.