Working In Entertainment
I had always wanted to try my hand more heavily in entertainment, so that is where I went. I ended up at a place that did creative work for various studios, TV, and streaming services, but I would only be working on key art. It did not take long before I realized being a one trick pony was not for me. I craved various creative mediums.
Before I accepted this role I had interviewed at a competitor, even though I already had an offer. They liked me, but couldn’t move fast enough to make me a counter. A month later they emailed to ask if I would consider coming over to their content department, and because it would offer me a chance to work on various types of creative, I agreed.
This department was called content, but it was really a catch-all for everything that wasn’t print key art and movie trailers. We did everything from original animations, commercial productions, social media, digital banners, environmental design, and motion graphics.
Being the red-headed step child of the company, our department got to work pretty independently, and I soaked it all up. I got to manage a whole creative team, developing original concepts and strategies, working with designers to bring visions to life, creating pitch decks, and writing various commercial scripts even though I had a team of writers underneath me. I was finally in my element, a mix of creative development and management.
Growing the Business
As most companies do, they wanted me to bring in more business, and with my prior experience with business development, I was able to do just that.
This client was doing a partnership with two other major brands, one of which our company already worked with, so it was a great fit.
After doing an amazing campaign with my team and producing a commercial spot that I wrote that aired nationally on the World Cup, I decided I wanted to grow business with the third brand partner.
We started to chip away and get more projects because their other agency was slow, not creative, and charged a lot, but the problem was the agency at which I was working was focused on entertainment clients and didn’t support moving into a big brand vertical.
After looking at different options it became clear that if I wanted to continue that relationship I had to do something I was not prepared for, strike out on my own.